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A Proto defines some type of Card in your Application. A proto can be seen as a template for Cards. Every proto has a name and a plural name for the Overview Proto. The Proto defines the fields and widgets on the card. Also one can specify access rights for all Cards based on this Proto and which Server Script Library belongs to this Proto.

Find the Proto Key

To get the Protokey of a Card, first open the relative Proto by clicking onto “This Card –> Open Proto” in the bottom left corner:

On the Proto Card you choose “This Card –> Show Properties”:

In the opening Box, you find the Protokey labeled as “Card Key” (since it is also the key of the Card defining the Proto Definition):

Overview Proto

An Overview Proto is automatically created on the creation of a new Proto. The Overview Proto only contains a Tableview, containing all the Cards of the created Proto.

Data Proto

Every Proto containing more than a TableView is called a Data Proto, since it also contains some information stored in the Card and not only an overview of all the Cards.
