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Protogrid has built-in filter mechanisms which are enabled by default for the most common use cases. For example if you have embedded a tableview on a proto for displaying next working steps the displayed entries are automatically filtered so only those next working steps are shown which are assigned to the current responsible (which is placed in a relation field on the same proto).

For every field type you can control specific behavioral aspects which are related to data filtering. For tableviews you can select from 4 types of filter fields to allow users dynamically limiting the data available.

Additionally to data filters Protogrid provides 2 data security features to restrict access to data: “Read Access Role Definition” and “Write Access Role Definition” fields (see Read And Write Access Role Definition).

Filter Options

Depending on the field type you have any of the following filtering options available for a field definition:

Limit Using Compatible Filters on the same Card

Available for: Relation Field Definition, Tag Field Definition

The available choices are filtered using neighboring relation fields and filters that use the same Proto as a relation field in the target data.

Additional filter based on read access setting

Available for: Relation Field Definition

The available choices are filtered based on the read access rights of the target data. The system default is that users can see the shortname of a card, even when the card itself is resticted from access using a read access role definition.

Disable filter effect on neighboured fields on the same card

Available for: Relation Field Definition

With this option you can disable the filtering effect on neighboring relation or tags fields.

Filtering of cards represented in this field

Available for: TableView Definition

With this option you can control if the TableView is filtered at all, only by filter fields, only by relation fields, or both

Enable Multi Column Indexing for this Field

Available for: Text Field Definition, Number Field Definition, Date Field Definition, Relation Field Definition, Tags Field Definition

This setting effects TableView filtering in combination with Filter Fields. A maximum of four fields can be enabled per Proto in order to filter and sort TableViews for them in combination. If this setting is set to “No”, TableViews cannot be sorted or filtered for this column if another filter is already active.

Filter Fields

A Filter field is basically a field for choosing a filter condition and limiting which Cards are shown in a Table View or Chart View.

Currently there exist 4 types of filter fields:

  • Relation Filter Field
  • Text Filter Field
  • Number Filter Field
  • Date Filter Field

Hint: if you want to combine multiple filter fields for tableview filtering the target fields must have activated the option “Enable Multi Column Indexing for this Field”:

Relation Filter

A relation filter field let's the user select from the available values in the target field and limits the embedded tableview based on the selection.

Text Filter

A text filter field let's the user enter any input. Filtering occurs only on full match of the input term.

Number Filter

A number filter field let's the user enter any input. Filtering occurs only on full match of the input number.

Date Filter

A date filter field provides a date picker to select a date. Filtering for time values is not supported.

Example: Creating a Relation Filter to filter a Table View

  1. Open the Proto on which the Table View, you want to filter, is defined
  2. Go to “Fields and Widgets” and then click on the “Create” button on the right
  3. Choose “Relation Filter Definition” to create a new “Relation Filter Definition” on the current Proto
  4. Assign a meaningful name for the new Relation Filter Field
  5. Define the “Related Proto” so that Cards based on this Proto will become filter choices
  6. Save & Close the “Relation Filter Definition”
  7. The new “Relation Filter Definition” now appears at the bottom of the “Fields and Widgets” list. You can drag & drop it to the desired position in this list
  8. Open the Table View you want to filter, and use the new “Relation Filter Field” to choose your filtering value

Example: Creating a Date Filter to filter a Chart View

  1. Open the Proto on which the Chart View, you want to filter, is defined
  2. Go to “Fields and Widgets” and then click on the “Create” button on the right
  3. Choose “Date Filter Definition” to create a new “Date Filter Definition” on the current Proto
  4. Assign a meaningful name for the new Date Filter Field
  5. Define the “Filter Target DateTime Field”, which is the field you want the data in the Chart View to filter for
  6. Save & Close the “Date Filter Definition”
  7. The new “Date Filter Definition” now appears at the bottom of the “Fields and Widgets” list. You can drag & drop it to the desired position in this list
  8. Open the Chart View, you want to filter, and use the new “Date Filter Field” to choose the data to filter for