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A Filter is basically a field for choosing a filter condition and limiting, which Cards are shown in a Table View or Chart View.

Currently there exist to sorts of filter fields:

  • Relation Filter Field
  • Date Filter Field

Example: Creating a Relation Filter to filter a Table View

  1. Open the Proto on which the Table View, you want to filter, is defined
  2. Go to “Fields and Widgets” and then click on the “Create” button on the right
  3. Choose “Relation Filter Definition” to create a new “Relation Filter Definition” on the current Proto
  4. Assign a meaningful name for the new Relation Filter Field
  5. Define the “Related Proto” so that Cards based on this Proto will become filter choices
  6. Save & Close the “Relation Filter Definition”
  7. The new “Relation Filter Definition” now appears at the bottom of the “Fields and Widgets” list. You can drag & drop it to the desired position in this list
  8. Open the Table View, you want to filter, and use the new “Relation Filter Field” to choose your filtering value

Example: Creating a Date Filter to filter a Chart View

  1. Open the Proto on which the Chart View, you want to filter, is defined
  2. Go to “Fields and Widgets” and then click on the “Create” button on the right
  3. Choose “Date Filter Definition” to create a new “Date Filter Definition” on the current Proto
  4. Assign a meaningful name for the new Date Filter Field
  5. Define the “Filter Target DateTime Field”, which is the field you want the data in the Chart View to filter for
  6. Save & Close the “Date Filter Definition”
  7. The new “Date Filter Definition” now appears at the bottom of the “Fields and Widgets” list. You can drag & drop it to the desired position in this list
  8. Open the Chart View, you want to filter, and use the new “Date Filter Field” to choose the data to filter for