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Database Design Fundamentals


The real world is full of objects. If you look around you and think a bit you will find

  1. physical and tangible objects like houses, dogs, cars etc.
  2. virtual objects like orders, requests, code libraries, international organizations, countries etc.

We call each class of objects of the same type entity (from latin ens being).

An entity is usually represented in software by a form. An entity can also very easily be understood and represented as a table (consisting of rows and columns).


There exist usually many tuples of an entity. A tuple is a row in the table. Each tuple has a unique key that allows to identify the tuple.


An entity has attributes. Each attribute describes a part of the entity. Each entity is a column in the table.

A house might have the following attributes:

  • its address
  • the number of floors
  • the type of roof
  • the color of the front
  • the number of parking lots
  • etc.

Attributes are usually fields on a form. An attribute is a column in the table.

An attribute is typically of a specific data type, like:

  • text field
  • number field
  • list of numbers
  • list of text strings
  • date
  • time
  • date and time
  • etc.


There are relations between entities:

  • mother-child-relations: there might be many, one or no child, we call this a 1-to-many-relation and write 1:m
  • child-mother-relation: there is only one mother for each child, we call this a m-to-1-relation and write m:1

Many times we see mother-child-relations:

  • an organization has members, hence
    • there is a 1:m-relation between the organization and its members
    • the organization has (no, one or usually) many members
    • a member belongs to an organization
  • an organization has different office locations
    • there is a 1:m-relation between the organization and its office locations
    • the organization has (no, one or usually) many office locations
    • an office location belongs to exactly one organization
  • a house has floors
  • a floor has rooms
  • a room has doors

How do we represent these relations in software's user interface?

  • the mother entity is form with fields
  • the child entity is also a form with fields
  • on the mother form we have a list of all children
  • on the child form we have a field that shows us the name of the mother and a button or link to go to the mother form

We this knowledge we can build many different types of applications.

How to implement 1:m-relations in Protogrid
  1. create the proto for the child entity
  2. create the proto for the mother entity
  3. add a table view to the mother proto which relates to the child proto
  4. add a relation field to the child proto which relates to the mother proto

That all folks! It is very simple in Protogrid. This is where Protogrid truly shows its Rapid Application Development capabilities.

There is one more important variant:

The n:m-relation

Sometimes a child has not only one related entity (like a mother - there is only one for each child on this planet) but many. The closest example to think of are siblings.


  1. an order might include several articles and an article might be part of several orders
  2. a person might be member of several organizations and an organization has usually several members

Any n:m-relation might be split into two 1:m-relations


  1. there are the three entities order, article and article-in-order
    • the order has as attributes: order number, order date
    • the article has as attributes: article number, article description, price
    • the article-in-order has as attributes: the order number, the article number - just two attributes that is usually enough
  2. there are the three entities organization, person and member
    • the organization has as attributes: organization ID, name
    • the person has as attributes: person ID, name, age
    • the member has as attributes: organization ID, person ID - just two attributes
How to create an n:m-relation in Protogrid
  1. create the first proto (e.g. the organization)
  2. create the second proto (e.g. the person)
  3. create the relation proto with only two fields of type relation
  4. go to the first proto and add a tableview with the relation proto
  5. go to the second proto and add a tableview with the relation proto

Now you can see in the first proto in a tableview all relations to the other proto. And you can see in the second proto in a tableview all relations to the first proto, which is exactly what we need in most cases.


  • Entity ~ form ∼ table
  • Tuple ~ row in a table
  • Attribute ~ column in a table