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Create Button

This article explains how to add own buttons which create new Cards to an overview Card (e.g. the default Card).

First, add the necessary code. To do this, add a new Client Side Script Library and define a name for the library. Add the following code inside the newly created Script Library below the var csl_key:

function guid() {
  function s4() {
    return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
  return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' +
    s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();

This code snippet creates a new Card-ID. Next you need to add the code to actually create your Card. For this, you need to know the key of the proto (see Proto). Now you can add the following code snippet below the one above, replacing “my_proto_key” with the key of your Proto.

function create_product(){"/"+$APP_URL_NAME+"/" + guid() + "?action=open_new_card&proto_key=my_proto_key", "_self");

Next, create a new trigger. The trigger should have a well-understandable name. As Script Library choose the newly created one and insert the call to the second code-snippet into the field “Triggered Call”:


As the last step, add a button to the Proto you like. Select your trigger and type in a suitable label for the button.

That's it, clicking onto this Button will immediately create and open a new Card!
